Jamie Peacock

Jamie Peacock’s premium rebrand scores winning results

An ex-England and Great Britain Rugby League Captain. One of the most decorated players in Super League history. A Man of Steel. Jamie Peacock once tore up playing fields in the world's most prestigious rugby stadiums. Now a prominent motivational speaker, he's re-writing the rule book on how to Be A Champion.


Brand Strategy, Brand Development & Design, Photography, Video, TV & Film & Editing, Website Design & Build, PPC & Display


B2B, Health & Wellbeing, Sports

HUB listens well to what you as a client want. They are flexible, easy to work with and they always have an excellent plan for how they can add value to enhance your vision of your project. This meant the final edit was first of all delivered in the time frame I required and it was exactly what I was looking for, simple, sleek and impactful. We have continued to work together due to the positive attributes listed above on a number of different projects, the most recent being the design of a bespoke leadership book for a large tech business.

Overall, I would highly recommend them to other businesses.

Jamie Peacock


High-end, premium and prestigious; three words not typically associated with motivational speakers. But motivational speakers don’t usually come in the form of multiple-time Grand Final winner, Jamie Peacock.

Building Champions is a bespoke workplace mentoring programme designed to embed winning habits and encourage successful leadership styles in just 50 days. Complete with a 200-page leadership and personal development plan, Jamie’s course promises to uncover hidden potential and boost employee morale.

The programme was updated for the third time in 2022. Now on its fourth edition, Jamie yearned for a brand-new look for the programme that would clearly communicate his results-driven approach and have decision-makers signing up in droves.


The best way to convey stature is to keep it simple. A simple colour palette, simple imagery, and simple language. Simplicity with a client of Jamie Peacock’s reputation means the work can take centre stage.

We chose black and white as Jamie’s brand colours to portray timeless luxury. Monotone imagery allows the human element of Jamie’s work to take the spotlight. Topped off with a professional yet straightforward tone of voice, HUB made Building Champions a premium programme that Jamie was proud to put his name to.

Next thing to tackle: content. Proof that trusting an integrated agency really does pay off.

Ahead of in-person mentoring sessions with Jamie, mentees get to grips with how the course works by watching a video of Jamie as he lays out his 10 principles of leadership and professional development. Scripted, filmed and edited by HUB, the hour-long piece-to-camera video is supported by a sleek and powerful presentation deck running alongside Jamie’s narration – the same deck he now uses as part of his keynote speeches and corporate presentations.

A new brand also demanded some finishing touches to Jamie’s website. Design. Copy. Photography. All the things you need to top off a winning PPC campaign and make audiences stop scrolling and tap in. We kept it simple, and the impact is striking.


Three months after work began, Jamie Peacock had a new brand, a book, and a mentorship programme to shout about. Most importantly, we’ve helped him to infiltrate premium markets and win new clients – as a champion should.

Time to tell your story?

Let's get creative